We are the number one of the Creditor Protection Insurance market with strong positions in savings and protection insurance in 30 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. 


The insurance partner: a unique model

Because the combination of diversified expertise and perspectives is a source of innovation, we have established a unique since our founding as the insurance partner. We offer products adapted to the needs of our partners around the world in a variety of sectors : banking, credit companies, automakers, retailers, telecoms... all around the world.

30 countries
500 distribution partners
+ 8,000 employees worldwide
30,3 bn gross written premiums in 2023
255 bn assets under management in 2023
Leader worldwide in creditor insurance. Diversified activites and distribution. 76% savings and 24% protection

Protection & Savings

Thanks to our solutions, our policyholders are able to protect themselves and their families against life contingencies such as accidents, illness, death and job loss. We have also integrated diverse savings solutions into our range to enable individuals to prepare for retirement and protect their family.

Expertise  that benefits everyone


Our teams have in-depth knowledge of our distribution partners’ industries, contributing actuarial and data science to provide our partners with solutions that are targeted, innovative and relevant.

In a rapidly changing world (consumption habits, demographic trends, digitalisation, etc.), where new uses and expectations are continually emerging, we persue ongoing transformation to support our clients with the expertise of a solid company resolutely in phase with its times.

3 major pillars underpin our strategic plan and drive and drive our evolution as a company that is:

  • “Growth”: strengthen Savings & Protection businesses and capture new growth opportunities

  • "Technology": leverage technology and artificial intelligence to enrich the customer experience 

  • “Sustainability”: amplify positive impact on the environment and on society

Learn More

An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "static com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(String, long)" threw an exception; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign file = fileEntryServiceUtil.g...  [in template "bpc-pcc-bnpparibas-theme_SERVLET_CONTEXT_/templates/rejoignez/video.ftl" at line 51, column 81]
	- Reached through: #include "${full_templates_path}/rejo...  [in template "20101#20128#776015" at line 10, column 1]
2Display templates are used to lay out the fields defined in a data 
5Please use the left panel to quickly add commonly used variables. 
6Autocomplete is also available and can be invoked by typing "${". 
9<#include init />  
10<#include "${full_templates_path}/rejoignez/video.ftl" /> 

Towards common goals