We are the number one of the Creditor Protection Insurance market with strong positions in savings and protection insurance in 30 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. 


The insurance partner: a unique model

Because the combination of diversified expertise and perspectives is a source of innovation, we have established a unique since our founding as the insurance partner. We offer products adapted to the needs of our partners around the world in a variety of sectors : banking, credit companies, automakers, retailers, telecoms... all around the world.

30 countries
500 distribution partners
9.000 employees worldwide
36.4 BN€ gross written premiums in 2024
287 BN€ assets under management in 2024

Expertise  that benefits everyone


Our teams have in-depth knowledge of our distribution partners’ industries, contributing actuarial and data science to provide our partners with solutions that are targeted, innovative and relevant.

In a rapidly changing world (consumption habits, demographic trends, digitalisation, etc.), where new uses and expectations are continually emerging, we persue ongoing transformation to support our clients with the expertise of a solid company resolutely in phase with its times.

3 major pillars underpin our strategic plan and drive and drive our evolution as a company that is:

  • “Growth”: strengthen Savings & Protection businesses and capture new growth opportunities

  • "Technology": leverage technology and artificial intelligence to enrich the customer experience 

  • “Sustainability”: amplify positive impact on the environment and on society

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Towards common goals