Positive impact is at the heart of our value proposition and our strategy. We have long been convinced that it is indispensable to manage policyholder savings by combining financial performance and positive impact on society. 

To accelerate our approach and propose impact products and enriched services for partners and their customers, BNP Paribas Cardif created an Impact and Innovation Department in February 2022. This strategy aims to make insurance products and services more accessible while building on the responsible investment policy we introduced back in 2008, with a sharp focus on environmental, social and governance criteria. 



Being a responsible insurer


Our mission is to make insurance more accessible. In different countries, we do this by extending the risks covered by our guarantees, writing our contractual documents in a language that everyone can easily understand, and developing personalized assistance and prevention services. Our distribution partners continually help us day after day to design new offers aligned with current needs, and to improve the customer experience thanks to a more fluid insurance process.

For instance in France in 2023, as part of our Atout Emprunteur contract distributed by BNP Paribas’ bank branches, more than 99% of the creditor insurance applications led to an insurance proposal. 

Discover our key projects in our 2023 Business Report. 



Being a responsible investor


BNP Paribas Cardif has a responsibility both as an insurer and as an investor. Savings from our policyholders are managed with a long-term view and a dual motive: combining financial performance and a positive impact on society as whole.  


Our responsible investment approach 

We have used and developed our environmental, social and governance screening of investment decisions since 2008. Investment restrictions and exclusions are also applied to several sensitive sectors. With a carbon filter we assess greenhouse gases emission levels (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) and the energy transition strategy of companies we invest in. In 2022, 95% of assets were covered by ESG analysis in the France general fund.

Our positive impact investments 




Our Engagement and Voting Policy 


The shareholder engagement policy is part of the transposition of European Directive 2017/828 of 17 May 2017 with a view to promoting long-term shareholder engagement.

The voting policy is in extension of the investment policy. 


Sustainability Regulatory Disclosure for Cardif Assurance Vie 

Discover below all the information on sustainability related-disclosure of Cardif Assurance Vie, our insurance and retirement contracts and investment products, in accordance with the transparency requirements under European Regulation EU 2019/2088 “Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” (SFDR), Regulation (EU) 2020/852 “Taxonomy” and article 29 of law 2019-1147  dated 8 November 2019 on Energy and climate.

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Cardif Assurance Vie

Sustainability related-disclosure


Disclosure relating to the Taxinomy Regulation 

Universal Registration Document and Annual Financial Report 2022 (p712). The report drawn up under the Taxonomy EU Regulation 2020/852 is prepared by BNP PARIBAS SA, Cardif Assurance Vie’s parent company, and is available here : Universal Registration Document and Annual Financial Report 2022.



Sustainability Regulatory Disclosure for Cardif Retraite

Discover below all the information on sustainability related-disclosure of  Cardif Retraite, our retirement contracts and investment products, in accordance with the transparency requirements under European Regulation EU 2019/2088 “Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” (SFDR), Regulation (EU) 2020/852 “Taxinomy” and article 29 of law 2019-1147 dated 8 November 2019 on Energy and climate. 


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Cardif Retraite

Sustainability related-disclosure


Disclosure relating to the Taxinomy Regulation 

Universal Registration Document and Annual Financial Report 2022 (p712). The report drawn up under the Taxinomy EU Regulation 2020/852 is prepared by BNP PARIBAS SA, Cardif Retraite’s parent company, and is available here : Universal Registration Document and Annual Financial Report 2022.


Our commitments concerning carbon neutrality 

In order to support the economy to its low carbon transition, BNP Paribas Cardif is committed since 2021 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of its investment portfolios and contribute to the respect of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, we have:

  • Took the commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of our investment portfolios and contribute to the respect of the Paris Agreement
  • Defined decarbonisation objectives for our investment portfolios (equities and corporate bonds held directly) in sectors with the highest greenhouse gas emissions
  • Developed the investments in the environment by investing in the energy and ecological transition
  • Engaged dialogue with companies and asset managers to strengthen the integration of environmental, social and governance issues into their strategy. With the Climate Action 100+ initiative, BNP Paribas Cardif is encouraging companies that emit the most greenhouse gases to strengthen their climate action plans.

In 2025, BNP Paribas Cardif is continuing its commitments to align its investment portfolios with the neutrality trajectory by 2050. Learn about the progress made in 2023.


Being a responsible organization 


For several years, we have been developing a strong corporate culture in favor of positive impact in all areas and we also increase awareness among our employees.


Developing a corporate culture in favor of diversity and inclusion 


We want to promote diversity and inclusion for everyone within our company. We have also taken strong measures to improve gender equality, and we raise awareness among our managers of the need to combat all forms of discrimination and harassment in order to promote a caring professional environment. We want every individual to be able to express themselves and develop their skills without restrictions due to gender, age, origin, sexual orientation or disability.

Our Executive committee has reached parity and our Board of directors is now composed of 7 women and 5 men. 


Supporting younger generations through mentoring

We have signed a partnership with Les idéateurs! in France. This association offers a complete educational path based on entrepreneurship. It allows middle and high school students, bachelors’ degree students and public in insertion to learn how to create and manage a "miniature" company by being supported by our employees in the form of mentoring.

Working to reduce our impact on environment 

Each day, we endeavour to fulfil our environmental commitments by reducing our carbon footprint and energy consumption, recycling waste (elimination of plastic bottles) and selecting suppliers according to ESG criteria. As a result, we reduced our carbon footprint per employee by 13% between 2016 and 2019. We will continue down this path.


Supporting employee involvement in social initiatives

We encourage our employees to get involved in causes that are important to them. For example, every year in France, they can participate in a Solidarity Week by dedicating half a day of their working hours to help local charities. In 2022, nearly 350 volunteer employees took part in various workshops. By developing these initiatives, we take part in BNP Paribas' "#1MillionHours2Help" volunteer programme for equitable and sustainable growth.



A commitment to society and to the regions in which we operate 

Since 2021 we have demonstrated our global and multi-local commitment to the prevention of overweight and obesity. We want to provide as many people as possible (our employees, our partners, their employees, their customers, civil society) with the tools they need to reduce the risks associated with overweight and obesity, so as to protect their health and that of their families. Our programme is built upon: 

  • Support for organisations dedicated to preventing overweight and obesity among young people, to encourage children and their families to change their habits through school-based initiatives in the countries in which we operate. In five countries across Latin America, UNICEF* will expand its 
    initiatives thanks to our support. In Italy, we work with the NGO FARE X BENE and in France with the charity “La Tablée des Chefs”. 500,000 children and families have already benefited from the campaign in 12 countries in Europe and in 5 countries in Latin America.
  • Support for research, to improve the detection and prevention of eating disorders and obesity at the earliest possible stage, with an international group of doctors and researchers specialized in nutrition. in France we have partnered with the Rouen University Hospital, which organizes conferences and runs a digital platform offering a self-diagnosis tool, health advice and scientific content)



Being a responsible insurer is a key ambition for our development because it allows us to meet the growing needs of our customers and partners, to attract and retain employees, and to contribute to providing solutions to the environmental and societal challenges we face.

This ambition is at the heart of our 2025 strategic plan, in line with that of BNP Paribas group and built around 3 pillars: Growth, Technology and Sustainability (GTS).

Discover our strategic plan 


*UNICEF does not support any company, brand, product or services.