September 01, 2017
BNP Paribas Cardif is evolving its parenthood policy by developing a dedicated scheme for those of its staff who provide daily support for a sick or disabled family member, and by increasing the level of support it provides to its staff members. These new measures complement the range of different initiatives Introduced since 2008 to promote a healthy work/life balance.
Special support for carer staff members
Alive to the challenges posed by an aging population, and working through its Génération Care website with its fresh perspective on this social issue, BNP Paribas Cardif is aware of the difficulties faced by members of staff who have to meet the demands imposed by their working lives on the one hand, and the need to care for an elderly or disabled family member. This is why the company has decided to put in place a special scheme to support its carer staff members.
BNP Paribas Cardif and its Works Council are now offering them personal guidance and advice via the Responsage assistance website. This completely confidential service advises staff members who care for an elderly, dependent, sick or disabled relative. Expert counselors are available to provide clarification and guide staff members towards existing support resources, such as care facilities, service providers, financial support or legal remedies.
Stepping up initiatives that benefit staff members with children
In line with its policy of enabling a healthy work/life balance (introduced in 2009), the insurer is expanding its range of initiatives for staff members with children.
In practical terms, BNP Paribas Cardif and its Works Committee are now offering 50 places in Babilou crèches for children aged between 10 weeks and 3 years. Childcare is also offered on an occasional basis, subject to space availability.
BNP Paribas Cardif is also offering unlimited access places in Filapi leisure centers for 3- to 10-year-olds, which will give many staff members access to this service. Five centers will be available every Wednesday and during school vacations for the children of staff members in the Paris region.
"These new schemes reflect our commitment to addressing the specific constraints faced by our people at every stage of their lives. Having previously focused on childcare, we are now extending our scheme to offer dedicated support for our carer staff members to help them achieve the best-possible work/life balance", says Sophie Joyat, Head of Human Resources at BNP Paribas Cardif.